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This is Ally. She is a spayed female domestic short haired brown tabby/burmese cross. Ally was born in late September of 1997 and is, in my humble estimation, a very cute kitty.

She was adopted from the SPCA Hospital in Vancouver (where I work)in mid September of 1998. I fell in love with her at first sight. Probably because she is a brown tabby, and very vocal. A cat who talks back to me gets me every time. She had been brought in because she was a stray. At some point she had recently had a litter of kittens, but they were no where to be found.

I wasn't actually planning on adopting a cat until after my birthday, but Ally had already been spayed and was almost ready to go up for general adoption when she developed an upper respiratory infection. A technician in the hospital me that she would have to be put into isolation as Upper Resp. is very contagious and in the hospital or shelter would spread like wildfire. Needless to say, I couldn't bear to think of her in isolation so I took me home that night, just before my 29th birthday. She is one of the best presents I have ever gotten!

Julian (my husband) and I both love her very much. She is a very sweet cat and loves attention.. although she doesn't like to be picked up (but will suffer it) and has her own personal space issues.. I would love for her to be more cuddly but she is her own girl, and I wouldn't change her personality.
I hope that anyone who is thinking about getting a pet will go to their local shelters and adopt one from there.. especially like Ally who was a fully grown cat. Sometimes the adults are the best possible pets. No litter box training, calmer attitudes, and good companionship. Who could ask for more?

Some Stats

Ally is a robust little girl. She loves her canned food, carboard catnip scratch pad and mooching from me when I have steak or chicken for dinner. She loves to sleep with me on the bed, but is definitely not a lap cat.
A few of Ally's "pet" names include:
Miss Mewsers
Silly Kitty
Ally Ally Oxenfree.. (don't ask! :)

She will pretty well answer to anything, especially if she thinks she is going to get fed. Her vocal range is quite impressive.. but I think that's due to her Burmese lineage (which also shows up in her huge green eyes and tiny little bone structure).
Her "pet" peeves are moving (we have moved 4 times), having her nails trimmed, getting her hairball remedy and when our other cat, Cobee, gets on her nerves.

Check out Ally's Cat Chow Page!


email me at jusan@zubee.com!